Wednesday, October 11, 2006

How do you pronounce Dijkstra?

The right way to pronounce Dijkstra, according to wikipedia is: dɛɪkˌstra.

We had to do this assignment on the shortest path algorithm and everyone seem to have their own way of pronouncing the great man's name. I've heard so many combinations that I just couldn't take it anymore.

Coming to Edsger Dijkstra, he was one of the real computer scientists, who wanted to formalize programming as a scientific discipline. Though he didn't entirely succeed, he did play a major role in what we have today. He invented the semaphores, posed the diner's problem and of course the shortest path algorithm (this is not at all the complete list). He was very influential in the future multi-tasking operating system development.

Curiously he never used computers much. During his last years, he was introduced to a mac which he used only for email. He is also remembered for his brilliant handwritten notes which were impeccable and with beautiful handwriting.

You can know more about him but checking these out:

Memorandom of Dijkstra

His beautiful handwritten notes (and their transcripts) can be found here: