Saturday, July 14, 2007

Shakespeer with Magnet Links

Now magnet links work!

Also includes added emoticons.

(Magnet links do not work in the main hub chat area.)


Sunday, July 08, 2007


I have been using Subversion lately to commit code to my project and to checkout code from various other open source projects.

A few days ago, to my surprise, the proxy server of our university was giving 403 (access forbidden) error for any svn requests I made (subversion is mostly referred to as svn). Initially I thought it was due to something else but yesterday when I tried only svn, I got the same response and more over the internet connection was blocked for about half an hour. Completely baffled by this (I mean WTF right?), I put this as the status message of my chats:

When did svn become illegal?!

This conversation followed it shortly:

7:21 PM (h@!tu: wht is this??
u thr??
7:22 PM saideeeep...
7:23 PM me: yeah
not sleeping
what is what?
(h@!tu: istatus??
me: what about my status?
7:24 PM (h@!tu: emiti adhi?? (translation: what is that?)
me: google for svn... or look in wikipedia
(h@!tu: k
7:25 PM lol
me: whats funny?
(h@!tu: so wht is this i thought??
7:26 PM me: what did you think it was?
(h@!tu: my name became illegal..
me: hahaha :D

Disclosure: His full name is SVN. Chaitanya.

As I soon found out, svn can mean a lot of things:

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

SnailMail Widget (Major Updates)

This is the alpha version.

This version includes the following features:
  • Notification when you get a new mail on any day.
  • New look
  • Search function

  • Size is smaller
  • Dates are properly displayed
  • One can change the month in the calendar without ruining the date

  • Prev function sometimes does not fetch data. But the cause is identified and fix is being worked out.

Thanks to Prateek for the new look and the search function.

Get it here: snail