Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Status: Fugitive

Since the two readers of my blog are asking me to update it, here is another one. In keeping with the tradition, it also features random trivia.

Right now, in the open tabs of my browser, I have articles related to:

Videos of animals sleeping
Mobile typography
Getting unstuck from writers block
Intellectual property
Language of rabbits
Literary programming
Battle of Evermore (by Led Zep) and its lyrics
And OCaml (a number of them devoted to this one)

It seems I've been doing some interesting stuff lately!

I was wondering about this problem a while ago: What is the most interesting thing that can be displayed in your status message (like the one in an instant messenger) but completely automatically? My first instinct was the number of windows open, processes, active window etc.

Better yet, how about something like "Browsing" or "Emailing" or "Chatting" or "Working" based on which application has recently taken most attention?

Or how about some keyboard shortcut to put the current URL (or text I selected) as the status?

Or (tangentially) how about changing the status message once a second with some messages like the marquee?

Or... I'm still thinking!

(Of course I understand the privacy issues and the abuse of the status message)